Handling the Highs and Lows of Entrepreneurship — BONUS

Nettie Owens
2 min readJun 23, 2021


I just wanted to say thank you to everyone who has emailed me in the past couple of weeks. When you take the time to hit “Reply” and share your thoughts on whatever topic I’ve sent your way, it’s so appreciated.

Because so many of you have provided such positive feedback on the five things I’ve shared in my emails related to Handling the Highs and Lows of Entrepreneurship, — I wanted to share one more! Let’s consider it a bonus — like when your children clean up their rooms without you asking. (Oh, wait…that never happens. #badexample)

Anyways…my bonus thought is this: “Continuously refocus on the vision you are creating.”

It seems so simple, but when’s the last time you did it?

It’s been a while, huh?

Well, it’s time to make it a daily practice.


Yes, daily…and here’s why.

When you spend time refocusing on your vision, it is easier to even out the highs and the lows because everything you do is leading in the direction of your desired outcome.

Every day I take a few moments, usually just 1–3 minutes, to envision the future I am creating.

This process helped me navigate a move to Pittsburgh with a family of five in just forty-five days and to create and launch a new event, publish a book, and host another event with only two months of lead time.

This small snippet of time in my day is a sanity-saver — especially when things get crazy.

Now, I don’t want you to overthink this idea of reconnecting to your vision. It doesn’t require a 3-day workshop or hours of journal writing. It’s way simpler than that! In fact, I’ve got a few ideas of where you can do it — and a couple more great reasons as to why — if you click here!




Nettie Owens

Helping high achiever business owners create their blueprint to success, reconnect to their vision, take action & scale. Intentional Connector. Mom. Author.